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characters available AND... Attach an emoticon? Select emoticon A3 (Anyplace, anytime, anywhere) AX (Across) ADD (Address) ATB (All the Best) O:-) (Angel) NEthing (Anything) RUOK (Are you ok?) AFAIK (As far as I know) B4N (Bye for now) (::()::) (Bandaid; offering help or support) BBL (Be back late) BCNU (Be seeing you) :D (Big smile) ^_^ (Blushing) BOL (Best of luck) BRB (Be right back) BTDT (Been there done that) BTW (By the way) :*) (Clowning) CID (Consider it done) C%D (Could) :~) (Crying) CUL (See you later) QT (Cutie) D8 (Date) DNR (Dinner) EZ (Easy) MBR$D (Embarrassed) }{ (Face to face) 4EVR (Forever) FYI (For your information) F2T (Free to talk) GAL (Get a life) G2G (Got to go) GMTA (Great minds think alike) GR8 (Great) HAND (Have a nice day) :) (Happy) HRU (How are you) {you} (Hug for You) IYKWIM (If you know what I mean) ILY (I love you) IMHO (In my humble opinion) IMNSHO (In my not so humble opinion) 411 (Information) JK (Just kidding) :-* (Kiss) L8 (Late) L8R (Later) LOL (Laughing out loud) :-$ (Lips are sealed) LU (Loving You) LNCH (Lunch) MAY (Mad About You) MUM (Miss You Madly) MTE (My thoughts exactly) NE1 (Anyone) NP (No problem) OIC (Oh, I see) PCM (Please call me) PLS (Please) ROTFL (Rolling on the floor laughing) @}--,--'-- (Rose) RUOK (Are you OK?) :( (Sad) SWAK (Sealed with a kiss) SYS (See you soon) :O (Shocked) :-) (Smile) 8-) (Sunglasses) TTFN (Ta-Ta for now) TTYL (Talk to you later) THNQ (Thank you) TYVM (Thank you very much) 2DAY (Today) UROK (You are OK) WEVR (Whatever) WHR U (Where are you?) XLNT (Excellent) ;-)* (Wink and a Kiss) U+I (You and I) URGR8 (You are Great)
Please note: definition of emoticon will not be included in SMS message
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